The Smashing Pumpkins are back!! released on the 23rd of November "Teargarden by Kaleidyscope Vol II" is the newest EP from the band, bringing Billy and the band back to the fore. New lineup, new music and hopefully a new album soon, as this is the first taste of the new Pumpkins.
Now we know the band for a variety of songs which span from "bullet with butterfly wings" to "1979" and that quality always comes first when it comes to the Corgan Camp (which has not changed, thank goodness) , but unless you've been following the band recently you may be pleasantly surprised by the first two tracks on the EP.
The first track up "Cottonwood symphony" is a beautiful, acoustic number, which does feel quite like a spring/ summer tune reminding you of holidays past. When i listened to the first few seconds i was a bit on the uncertain side because some acoustic songs have no depth and sometimes sound too empty. However my fear was quelled as you will find none of that here my friends. This song is filled by a beautiful melody on acoustic guitars which are complimented by near perfect vocals; not too whiny but still filled with a sense of longing.
Tom Tom is, for me at least, the stand out track which i think pays homage to the true essence of the Pumpkins in their heyday. Classic rifts that you can recognize a mile away, that you can rock out to with pride, and the vocals complete a song that makes you feel like you've returned to the 90's when all was well with the band.
The other tracks that are on the EP are:
"The fellowship" which is the rockiest track on the EP, but it's no "tarantula" as it has more of a slower pace but is still heavy in the places it needs to be.
"Spangled" which is also a slower paced a little more ambient rock track, think more; "Look what you've done" by Jet.
A lot of thought has been put into each of these songs, and this new approach and new music, which has been eagerly anticipated, should be welcomed with open arms. All in all a good EP and like I said quality is never a problem with the Pumpkins, only direction at times, but this time round they look like they're right on track.
Check out more Smashing Pumpkins at:
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